What is the future of high-rise housing? Examining the long-term social and financial impacts of residential towers.

Market analysis - why towers are a hard sell

It is private renters rather than homeowners who are opting to live in towers. To make... Read more


The commercial management team have just been appointed managing agents for the commercial building in Hatton Garden.

Located in the heart of London’s famous Jewellery... Read more


The latest 6 monthly review from the HSC London offices is now published.

The review is published twice annually and has become a respected Research... Read more

QMS ISO 9001:2015 Registered Logo

For 22 consecutive years HSCPM have been awarded the ISO9001 Accreditation as a mark of our high standard in management procedures and policies.

The IS09001... Read more


The iconic former industrial building in the heart of Clerkenwell, which was one of the first industrial conversions within Central London has recently moved its... Read more


Huelin Homes has been awarded the marketing contract to sell the exciting new development of 13 flats in St Helier and our management arm will... Read more

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